Your solution to join the digital (r)evolution of scientific research

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Tree of Science is dedicated to give impact and accelerate science, humanities, and research by providing digital solutions for researchers and their research organizations. We promote Science 2.0, digital tools for researchers and open science, to trigger a systematic change in the modus operandi of doing research and managing science.

 Tree of Science-What_we_do What we do?

We work with Ph.D. students, academic and R&D researchers, their collaborators and research managers, and their research organizations. We offer sophisticated tailored professional services, including:

  • Online training in digital tools for scientific research, science networks, professional networking, collaborative work, digital strategy, online presence, personal branding, open research, digital communication;
  • Consulting in digital tools and platforms implementation and development, digital strategy, ad hoc training, virtual teams, open science and citizen science projects, science crowdfunding, and open innovation;
  • coaching tailored to your needs in digital strategy, professional networking, manage your online presence and personal branding;
  • Training and coaching are delivered through virtual classes;

Tree of Science-Why Why Tree of Science?

  • Services for researchers by researchers! We are coming from your field since we are former researchers and engineers. Our dedication to research activities assures relevant research workflow and strategy insights and state-of-the-art expertise tailored for your needs.
  • With Tree of Science, you get the benefit of the expertise of an innovating actor for your professional (r)evolution. No matter what your project is, our team will always work extensively to maximize your chance to succeed.
  • Our contents and services are always up to date according to the modification in your environment.
  • Since becoming skilled in digital is a duty for a researcher of the 21st century, we provide all the keys that they require to master digital issues. Beyond knowledge and practical skills, it is essential to acquire the digital culture of Science 2.0, Open Science, and Open Innovation

Let’s work together to build the future of science and research!


Our references:

University Cergy-Pontoise


University Paris-DiderotUniversité Paris Ouest


Institut PasteurCORDDIMAdocTalentManagement

Humanitudes Reseau BIOTechno Forum Declic Young Researcher in Life Science

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Tree of Science, member of the French Tech


Tree of Science SAS

11, rue de Lourmel, 75015, Paris, FRANCE

E-mail: contact[at]treeofscience[dot]co(m)