Our vision and mission

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Our vision

Tree-of-science-vision-and-missionResearchers have invented the world wide web in the 90’s but now the scientific research doesn’t take enough advantage of the powerful support from the digital technology. The 21th century is strongly challenging us about our society, health, ecology, and technologies. Nevertheless academic and R&D researchers encounter threatening issues to achieve and disseminate science results due to different reasons:

  • The researchers work in a very complex and competitive field that require efficient tools in order to produce data, analyze them, manage projects, report and assess, disseminate results, work collaboratively by distance #science2.0 #web2.0
  • With a higher complexity of science fields the need of scientists to find collaborators and partners has dramatically increase #networking
  • A significant increase of science production: data-intensive science with data outputs increasing with a +30% annual rate #bigdata #datamanagement
  • The slowness of the publication process and the R&D outputs to reach the innovation cycle #openinnovation #sciencepublication
  • An increasing criticism of the existing peer review system and the challenge of reproducing research results due to the lack of available data #reproducibility #openresearch #transparency
  • limited access to scientific information in academic research and SMEs for their R&D (research articles, technical information, up-to-date scientific research) #openaccess #opendata
  • An increase in the number of actors in science #openscience #citizenscience #eHealth


Tree of Science is addressing these issues and want to become a game changer in the scientific and technological arena to change the dynamics of scientific research and the way researchers generate knowledge, discoveries, and innovation so that their ideas can improve the world. We consider as a duty for the scientific community to be skilled and aware in digital technologies in the 21th century. Tree of Science vision is to trigger the digital (r)evolution in the scientific research with an impact on the entire research cycles, from the inception of research to its publication or its integration in the innovation process, as well as on the way in which these cycles are organized inside academic research, R&D, or at their intersections, and with the society.

Moreover, we want to evangelize the scientific community for gaining insights into the perceived opportunities and challenges presented by the ‘opening up the research process‘. Open Science and Open data are key-points in the improvement in the scientific process as they answer the lack of accessibility to the scientific information, improve the transparency in the processes and results, and also the reproducibility. All impact critically the speed of breakthrough discoveries through research or open innovation.

Our mission


Vision without implementation is hallucination”, Thomas Edison

Tree of science is dedicated to help researchers and research organizations around the world to use digital research tools, digital strategy, open science, science crowdfunding, and open innovation in order to shape science’s future. Our mission is to provide services for science, humanities, R&D, eHealth and citizen science loving people to improve their digital skills and knowledge, to help them to create a network advantage, and to benefit the modus operandi of scientific research. This is precisely the mandate of Tree of Science: to offer a guidance that helps all those involved in research and innovation to familiarize themselves with digital tools for researchers (Science 2.0) and make it a reality. Moreover we aimed to integrate open science principles and practices in the current research workflow.

Tree of Science strategy to achieve its goals is build around services tailored for academia, R&D, and citizen science actors by delivering easy-to-access and innovative online solutions.


"The process of scientific discovery – how we do science – will change more over the next 20 years than in the past 300 years", Michael Nielsen, 2008

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Tree of Science, member of the French Tech


Tree of Science SAS

11, rue de Lourmel, 75015, Paris, FRANCE

E-mail: contact[at]treeofscience[dot]co(m)